uP7534 pdf资料下载The uP7534 is a current limited high-side switch designed for applications where heavy capacitive loads and shortcircuits are likely to be met. This device operates with inputs from 2.7V to 5.5V for both 3V and 5V systems. Its low quiescent current (25uA) and standby current (<1uA) conserve battery power in portable. The power switch is controlled by a logic enable input and driven by an internal charge pump circuit. When the output load exceeds the current-limit threshold or a short is present, the uP7534 asserts overcurrent protection and limits the output current to a safe level by driving the power switch into saturation mode. uP7534AS8-XX uP7534BS8-XX uP7534CSA8-XX uP7534DSA8-XX uP7534AM5-XX uP7534BM5-XX uP7534CMA5-XX uP7534DMA5-XX uP7534ARA8-XX uP7534BRA8-XX uP7534ARU8-XX uP7534BRU8-XX uP7534EMA5-XX uP7534FMA5-XX uP7534GMA5-XX uP7534HMA5-XX Datasheet pdf资料数据表下载